How dose temperature affect the rate of reaction between magnesium and hydrochloric acid.

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Teaching group: Priestly

Subject: Chemistry

Teacher: Mr M Bownass

 Tutor group: 10 C

How dose temperature affect the rate of reaction between magnesium and hydrochloric acid.



The aim of this experiment is to find out what factors effect the rate of reaction. Also to test the theory of Maxwell and Batsman. I will investigate how temperature effect the rate of reaction but other factors that affect it will to have to be taken into account.


The reaction will be between the magnesium and hydrochloric acid. Below are the word and symbol equations of this reaction.

magnesium + hydrochloric acid   magnesium chloride + hydrogen

Mg + HCl  MgCl  + H

Preliminary Work

Before staring to plan or even attempt my investigation their were three problems that needed solving. Without this my experiment would not be as fair as it with suitable solutions.

The problems that I have found did not come in any set order, I will start with the easiest. This is the fact that magnesium floats in hydrochloric acid. This means that much as half of its surface area will not be in contact with the water. I have seen magnesium react before and I know that it will react quite vigaressly and this will make it move around a lot so the area of contact will change all the time. This is one of the factors that determine the rate of reaction so if it will not be constant than the test will not be very fair. Their is nothing that I could have done to keep the magnesium from not moving around. As well as that I could not made it heavier so it would sink into the acid. The solution that I have found is the simplest and will make the test more fair in my opinion. This is to suture the acid and make sure that magnesium is always covered in acid. This will so make sure that the magnesium is in contact with unreacted acid this will make the reaction faster and I will be able to do more repiates.

The second problem was that the magnesium had the top layer oxidised. This means some magnesium has already reacted with the oxygen in the air. I needed to depose of this because otherwise it could have effected the speed of the reaction, I am sur that the magnesium oxide reacts differently with hydrochloric acid. Th magnesium was not evenly covered magnesium oxide so this would not be a systematic mistake that would not effected the results. There were two ways in witch I could have cleaned the magnesium, use of sand paper or weak acid solution. I decided that the sand paper would give the better results because it would be easier to see when exactly the layer is goon and I will only take off the parts where the magnesium oxide is present. Also I think that it will be easier and waster to scrape the magnesium oxide off then wait for it to dissolve in acid. I will get the magnesium ready as the other members of the group will set up the equptment, this will save time and not give time for the magnesium to oxidise again. It is really easy to see where the magnesium is oxidised because the if changes the colour from shiny silver to dull black, but I don't think it will be easy to see this when it will be in the acid so I could end up taking unneeded extra off.

The last and the hardest to solve problem was the fact that this reaction is exothermic. This means that it gives out heat when reacting. This is not good ecspeshially when we are investigating how temperature effects the rate of this reaction. Their is nothing we could have done to change this reaction so that it would not give out heat. The only thing that we were able to change was the amount of energy that the reaction gives out. The less energy given out the better, this would mean that the error will stay fairly constant, and will effect the results less. To investigate how temperature rices in different amounts of acid with different lengths of magnesium carried out a little experiment and collected data that helped to solve this problem and decide on what the amounts should be in the finally practical. It is clear that the amounts will have to be the same in all the experiment to make the test fair. I have used tree different amount of hydrochloric acid and magnesium so I ended up doing nine tests and recording nine temperature changes. The results that I received are below.

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From these results it is clear that the best amounts ton use is 50 cm² of hydrochloric acid and 1 cm of magnesium ribbon. This is what we decided to use among out group. This is a systematic mistake and it will not effect the results in a very bad way.  

Ways of following a reaction

Their are four general ways of following a reaction in Chemistry. I will have to deside which one we will follow, this is the base foe our method.

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*** This is a low three star report. It explains a number of different ways that rate of reaction could be measured. There are lots of spelling and grammatical errors which limit the quality of the piece. More scientifically technical improvements have been mentioned throughout in the relevant sections of the report.