How Environmental Factors Affect the Rate of Photosynthesis

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How Environmental Factors Affect the Rate of Photosynthesis


        In this investigation I am trying to find out the effect of environmental factors on the rate oh photosynthesis. We will do this by varying the amounts of light and sodium hydrogen carbonate the plant receives.


        I have found out that the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air doesn’t change much from area to area, but the amount of light, water and the temperature varies from day to day and season to season in different places. On a warm summer day, light and temperature are generally well above the needed level and so carbon dioxide is limiting the amount of photosynthesis which can take place. In the morning, evening or winter the temperature and light is limiting how much the plant photosynthesises.


The light test

Set up the equipment as shown below

Start with the lamp 10cm away from the beaker

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Turn it on and count how many oxygen bubbles are made during a minute

Move the lamp 10cms further away (now 20cm from beaker)

Do this until the lamp is 60cms away

Sodium hydrogen carbonate test

Set up the equipment as shown above

Put in 1g of baking powder

Count how many oxygen bubbles are seen in 1minute

Change the water and set up the experiment again

Put in 0.75g of baking powder

Count how many oxygen bubbles are seen in a ...

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