How I can change the rate of reaction?

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Nic Carpenter 11PF                                                           20/9/03

How I can change the rate of reaction


I am going to investigate the rate of reaction between Hydrochloric acid and Sodium thiosulphate. I will do this by mixing the two chemicals together, and waiting until the two react with each, and a cloudy substances as been formed and I can no longer see an “X” that will be placed under the beaker. I will time how long it takes for the reaction to happen.

        The rate of reaction mostly depend s on the collision theory. This simply means how hard and how often the particles of the two chemicals collide with each other. The harder and the faster the two chemicals collide the quicker the rate of reaction will take place.

        The main key factors that will affect this experiment are:

  • Temperature: this will increase the speed of the particles so there’s going to be more collisions.
  • Volume of solution: a) Hydrochloric acid, b) Sodium thiosulphate
  • Concentration: a) Hydrochloric acid, b) Sodium thiosulphate
  • Swirling / stirring: This will increase the number of collisions.
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The factor I have chosen to alter is the volume of hydrochloric acid. I will start with 15cm³ and add an extra 5cm³ to the solution of sodium thiosulphate each time. I will have seven different volumes and take three sets of results of each different volume. By doing the experiment so many times for each volume I will be able to see if my experiment was accurate and reliable, and also if the rate of reaction does change because of changing the volume of hydrochloric acid used.


I expect the rate of reaction to increase in ...

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