How Much of an Affect Does Exercise Have On Our Pulse Rate?

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Biology investigation: How much of an affect does exercise have on our Pulse rate?

Aim: To find out if exercise affects pulse rate.

Prediction: I think that as I increase the amount of exercise, my pulse rate will also increase, until my heart reaches its optimum amount of beats and cannot increase anymore. My pulse rate will still remain high but it will level out.

Explanation of prediction: As the amount of exercise I do increases, my muscles will require more energy, therefore my body will have to respire at a faster rate than normal to keep up the demand. Respiration is oxidation of glucose and oxygen to release energy. This increase in respiration requires more glucose and oxygen, therefore your heart has to circulate blood faster to allow more glucose and oxygen to be transported to the muscles for more energy- This explains why your pulse rate increases as the amount of exercise does too. The equation for respiration is: Oxygen + Glucose = Carbon Dioxide + Water. The increase in heart rate enables the byproducts of respiration: carbon dioxide and water, to be excreted. The increase in heart rate enables the carbon dioxide to be transported by your blood to the lungs where it is breathed out. The water which is created during the process is sent to the perspirary glands where it is excreted in the for of perspire or sweat.
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Fair testing: For this experiment to be fair we need to:

* Use the same person for all of the exercises.

* Do all the exercises on the same day so that the temperature of the room is exactly the same, and the person's diet is the same.

* Use the same type of exercise e.g. Step-ups on a PE bench.

* Use the same bench for all the exercises, so that the height does not influence our results.

* Take the pulse rate in the same way at the same pulse point ...

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