How oil is obtained, used and effects our world.

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How are products from oil obtained and used?

Oil. What actually is oil? Oil is or was originally made of organic material, like plankton. When the plankton dies it sinks to the sea floor. Over time it becomes part of the many layers of sedimentary rock that form there. Lots and lots of layers build up putting pressure on the lower layers, turning them into petroleum. If there is enough heat and pressure it will turn into crude oil.

Crude oil is made up of different carbon-based fractions. These can be extracted using a fractionising column. All these fractions have different boiling points, this means that when heated, certain parts of the crude oil will evaporate and can therefore be collected by condensing it. This means that if you know the certain boiling points of each fraction you can separate the certain fraction you need, which is used for different products. This is known as fractional distillation.

This shows the different heat at which some of the fractions boil at. As you can see the boiling points range from 20℃ to 400℃. The different boiling points are important because this means that you can separate out the crude oil for the desired separate fraction. Some of the fractions are; Kerosene- a liquid hydrocarbon usually used to power aircraft or for heating. Naphtha- this is used to create a high octane gasoline. The higher the octane rating, the more energy is needed to start a reaction. However, the higher the octane rating the less likely it is to explode. Naphtha has a carbon-carbon bond, which means that the bonds have a lot more energy stored in them. So when combustion occurs, this energy in the bonds is converted to heat energy, an endothermic reaction.

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These different fractions can have a number of different uses. Mainly fuels but can be turned into plastics. These plastics are classed under thermoplastic or thermoset plastics.

Thermoplastics are different from thermoset plastics because they can be re-heated and melted, then formed into a new shape. These plastics can, therefore, be recycled.  is an example of one of them.

Thermoset plastics can cure to a stronger form. The energy may be in the form of heat (generally above 200 degrees ), through a chemical reaction or . The curing transforms the resin into rubber or plastic by cross-linking. This makes ...

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Spelling, grammar and punctuation all fine. Tone and format of the essay good with easy to read paragraphs.

The introduction is done well and explains the origins of oil. A diagram would have been well used here to explain the process of how oil is formed in the earth. The process of a fraction column and how to obtain different aspects of oil are also explained well, but the candidate should have really explained it based on separating a certain amount of carbon atoms and how each part is actually separated, such as why paraffin drops out the bottom. The different fractions and there uses are researched well, but again the scientific depth is lacking in certain places. The disadvantages and advantages of using oil are explained well.

A very well done essay. The candidate lacks a well defined conclusion but merely repeats what they have discussed which would have been better being included in the introduction. The essay shows good depth of scientific research and the consideration of oil as a product.