How quickly does your heart rate recover after exercise?

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Christina Taryoto



How quickly does your heart rate recover after exercise?


Resting Pulse

                                        Average resting pulse 90 beats per minute

Mild Exercise

Hard Exercise


From doing the experiment I found out that the more intense the exercise, the higher the pulse rate increases and therefore the longer it takes for it to return normal. In other words, the greater the intensity of exercise the slower our heart rates recover or the less intensity of exercise the faster our heart rates recover.

When the body is exercising the muscles respire to produce energy, so the muscles can contract. Oxygen is needed for this process; the oxygen is carried in the haemoglobin of the red blood cell. At the same time the heart responds immediately by increasing its rate in order to supply the muscle cells with more blood that carries the oxygen and glucose, which the respiring cells need. The greater the intensity of exercise the faster the heart becomes in response to the higher rate of respiration.

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Comparing my results with Nicole.

Mild Exercise

In this experiment Nicole and I both did 2 minutes of mild exercise at very similar paces. From looking at the table that compares our results and our graphs, you can see that both of us took 2 minutes to recover. Our results are very close. In time 1, I had only 8 heartbeats less than Nicole. In time 2, I had 4 more heartbeats than Nicole. In time 3 we both recovered and Nicole had 2 more heartbeats than me.

Hard Exercise

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