How temperature affects the rate of reaction between sodium thiosulphate and hydrochloric acid.

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Temp Affecting Reaction Rate

We are going to try to find out how temperature affects the rate of reaction between sodium thiosulphate and hydrochloric acid.

Na2 S2 O3 + 2HCL → S(s) + SO2 +NACL + H2O

I am going to heat the sodium thiosulphate to five different temperatures, 0°c, 20°c, 40°c, 60°c and 80°c. The sodium thiosulphate concentration will be 20gm/litre. I have chosen this concentration because the results we will obtain will have a wider range. I think this is the case because when we performed the preliminary experiment of how concentration affects the rate of reaction, we came to the conclusion that sodium thiosulphate at 40gm/litre reacted faster than sodium thiosulphate at 10gm/litre. The 40 gm/litre reacted after 30 secs; 30gm/litre after 43 secs, 20gm/litre after 55 secs and 10gm/litre after 93 secs. These results would be ether too quick to precisely record, or too slow to have a range. So I have chosen 20gm/litre, which I feel will produce a wide range of accurate results.

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        I will use 25cm3 of sodium thiosulphate, and I will then add 10cm3 of hydrochloric acid to the sodium thiosulphate, then I will record the amount of time it takes for the solution to react (until the solution is opaque), at that particular temperature, and then repeat the experiment at the other four temperatures. For this experiment I am going to use four beakers, four measuring tubes, a Bunsen burner and a thermometer. I will ensure that the experiment is safe by wearing safety goggles and not touching the hot beakers with my bare hands. I am going to repeat the experiment ...

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