How the concentration of an acid affects the rate of reaction.

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Chemistry coursework

How the concentration of an acid affects the rate of reaction


For a reaction to take place there must be enough energy for the particles to collide & react. So as the concentration increases so will the rate of reaction because there are more acid particles in the solution for the magnesium to collide & react with. Therefore I think the rate of reaction will speed up as the concentration gets higher, for instance 1M will react twice as fast as 0.5m.


I will set up the apparatus as shown in the diagram below. I will be reacting magnesium with sulphuric acid to test if the concentration of an acid affects the reaction time. I will use molars between 0M & 1M for my initial trial run. I will measure the rate of reaction using a conical cylinder with a rubber bung & a gas syringe. I will then time how long it takes to fill up to 100cc of gas. I will repeat each concentration 3 times then take a average so I get more accurate results, I will repeat any anomaly’s I get so I will get my final results as accurate as possible. I will use five different concentrations so I can gather a good range of data.

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I will have only one variable so I can relate all changes in the experiment to that one thing – in this test I am changing the concentration of the acid. However I must also monitor several other things that could alter my results.

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  • Surface area- this would speed up the reaction rate by increasing the chance of a collision if the size is made bigger or decrease the chance if the size is made smaller. So I will use the same magnesium ribbon through out the experiment.
  • Temperature – if the temperature is increased the amount of collisions will be higher & more violent because the higher the temperature the more energy the particles have. I will aim to keep my experiments all at room temperature at all times.
  • Catalyst – I will not be using a catalyst as ...

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