How the Concentration of Hydrochloric acid Affects the Rate of Co2 produced by Marble chips

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Planning: How the Concentration of Hydrochloric acid

Affects the Rate of Co2 produced by Marble chips


From this experiment I hope to succeed in finding the answer to the to the question: How does the amount of concentration of hydrochloric acid affect the amount of carbon dioxide given off by the reaction of calcium carbonate (marble chips) and the acid. I know that the following reaction takes place when the acid and chips are united:

Hydrochloric acid + calcium carbonate ? Calcium chloride + water + Carbon dioxide

This is how I know Carbon dioxide is produced but how much with different concentrations of acid is the question.



Input variable: Concentration of hydrochloric acid

Output variable: Amount of Carbon dioxide produced

Constant variables: Temperature (room)

Mass of marble chips

Volume of acid/water (50cm3)

Surface area of marble chips


I will set up the apparatus as shown in the diagram but without the marble chips in, then I willl make sure the stop clock is reset and the water in the eudiometer tube is full of water and set at 0ml/cm3 without any air bubbles. When everything is set up I will proceed in doing the following:
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. Drop 2.5g of small marble chips into the conical flask with 50ml of a varied concentration of hydrochloric acid.

2. Place the bung over the mouth of the flask and start the stop clock at the same time.

3. Record the Carbon dioxide collected after 30 seconds.

4. Then clean the equipment to make sure it cannot make the test unreliable.

5. Preset the equipment for a different concentration of acid.

6. Once all the results have been taken for the different concentrations I will plot a results table with an average ...

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