How the dinosaurs became extinct

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Science Coursework

In this piece of science coursework I will give evidence on several  theories of how the dinosaurs became extinct.Dinosaurs suddenly became extinct approximately 65 million years ago. Many other groups of animals such as ammonites , mosasaurs, plesiosaurs, pterosaurs, herbivorous turtles and crocodiles, most birds, and many groups of mammals also became extinct at this time.  This mass extinction is known as the Cretaceous–Tertiary extinction event. The nature of the event that caused this mass extinction has been extensively studied since the 1970s; several related theories are supported by palaeontologists. Though the general opinion is that an impact event was the primary cause of dinosaur extinction, some scientists believe other possible causes, or support the idea that a wide variety of factors was responsible for the sudden extinction of the dinosaurs.

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Asteroid Theory

Probably the most popular theory right now is the Asteroid Theory. According to this theory a large asteroid or comet collided with Earth about 65 million years ago. Scientists think that such a large collision would throw so much dust into the air that sunlight would not be able to shine and plants and animals would die. The dramatic changes in climate that resulted from this huge collision were too much for the dinosaurs. They were not able to survive.

Volcanic Activity

Another theory that could explain how the dinosaurs became extinct is volcanic activity. ...

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The spelling is fine. The grammar is mostly okay, but sometimes sentence structure does not express the meaning of the sentence very clearly and sometimes the wrong words are used or words are missed out, also mixes up 'to' and 'too' and 'their' and 'there,' which are basic mistakes to make. The punctuation some work with commas being misplaced or missed out in some instances making the sentences harder to read. They follow the expectations of this level of work quite well although at the lower end of the spectrum. Uses the basic technical terms required at this level, and sets of the generic structure of the essay okay.

Shows basic analytical skills for this level of qualification, but does not develop their ideas enough to show originality and their own thoughts on the matter throughout. Does not examine the validity of the different reasons for extinction of dinosaurs, just puts down different facts as a summary to what people believed at that time and the reasons for it. They seemed to have used appropriate scientific evidence although their sources are not quoted. The conclusion is not appropriate as it does not consider the validity of each of the opinions very well or analyse them. Also, the conclusion does not explain very well why they came to the conclusion they did.

This essay outlines the different theories of extinction quite well, but there is no examination of the validity of each theory and how reliable the evidence for the different theories are enough to reach a good conclusion. Sets out the different theories of extinction in the introduction well enough, but the introduction could be made more concise and succinct. The main body of the text does examine the different theories of extinction of dinosaurs but does not answer the question of why dinosaurs became extinct very well as the main conclusion and analysis of these theories is quite poor. Their response is clear but not very well examined.