How the temperature affects rate of reaction between marble chips and hydrochloric acid?

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Chemistry Coursework – An Investigation into how surface area effects the rate of the reaction?


To investigate how different factors affect the rate of the reaction, with one in specific detail, the temperature, and to see the effects when Marble Chips (CaCO3) and Hydrochloric Acid (HCl).

Carbonates react with strong acids to give off CO2 and H2O. Marble is a form of Calcium Carbonate and therefore behaves in the same manner.

Word Equation

Calcium Carbonate + Hydrochloric Acid > Calcium Chloride + Carbon Dioxide + Water

Balanced Symbol Equation

CaCO3 + HCl > CACl2 + CO2 + H2O

I will measure the volume (ml³) of CO2 produced by this reaction as a measure of the rate of reaction.


I predict that there will be a positive correlation between the rate of reaction and temperature – as the temperature increases so to does the rate of reaction. For a reaction to occur not only must particles collide, but with sufficient energy so that the original bonds are broken and new bonds can be formed. This is known as bond formation.

Scientific Explanation

The energy needed to break a mole of bonds is known as Bond Energy. If the collision does not provide enough energy then no reaction takes place.

It takes a faster reaction to ensure a successful collision. By increasing the temperature, the particles get more energy resulting in faster movement and in turn more successful collisions.

If you reduce the temperature the particles energy will be lowered, they will slow down and the number of collisions will be to a minimum.

The Kinetic Theory – all reactions need energy to initiate them.

Activation Energy is the minimum energy needed to break bonds to begin a reaction.

There are four main methods of speeding up a reaction. A reaction can be sped up by:

The factor which I will be focusing on throughout this experiment will be temperature.

1) Increasing the temperature – When the temperature increases the particles gain more energy, resulting in faster moving particles. According to the collision theory, particles must collide in order to react. Heat gives the particles more energy to move around and so they increase their speed. This increases the chances of a collision, and more importantly a successful one, as they are hitting each other with greater force with increased energy. On the other hand, cooling has the opposite effects and the chances of successful collisions are reduced.


                                          Cold              Hot

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2) Concentration of acid - If an acid is used in a reaction the concentration can help to affect the rate. If the solution is made more concentrated it means that there are more particles of reactant knocking about between the solution, which makes collisions between important molecules more likely. This means that there is a higher chance of collision because there are more acid particles. Due to more collision the speed of the reaction will increase. With a lower concentration the opposite effects will occur. The reaction will be slow and more likely to not occur.


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