Human cloning - should it be banned?

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Ashal Mehmud

Human Cloning – should it be banned?

In this report, I shall look at the arguments ‘for’ and ‘against’ human cloning. To do this, I will explain the different types of cloning, including cloning in plants and I will be looking at different scientific experiments and case studies on cloning, such as dolly the sheep, and   evaluating whether or not it contributes to the argument. I will also include my point of view where applicable.

What is cloning?

  • Cloning is the creation of cells, organs or whole animals using DNA from a single
    ‘parent’ cell.
  • The clone is genetically identical to the ‘parent’. “This enables huge numbers of identical plants to be produced, but they will all be susceptible in variation.”
  • Different types of cloning: asexual cloning, commercial cloning of plants, therapeutic cloning, animal cloning, and human reproduction. 

DNA strand

Cloning techniques in plants:

  • Some plants (like spider plants) can reproduce asexually.
  • Asexual reproduction is a type of reproduction which does not involve meiosis, or fertilization. It is a form of mitosis.
  • Asexual reproduction only takes one ‘parent’ cell.
  • This is done when single celled organisms, such as bacteria, grow and then divided into two ‘daughter cells’.
  • All offspring produced asexually are clones: so are therefore genetically identical to the ‘parent’ cells, which in this case are plants. 
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Asexual reproduction

Commercial cloning of plants:

  • Clones are genetically, and physically, identical to the ‘parent’ plant.
  • [so] If a particular breed or colour of plant is desired, it is much easier to make sure that that colour or breed is produced by asexually breeding it. This can take the form of taking cuttings, etc.
  • There are disadvantages as well as disadvantages to this:


  • You can be sure of the characteristics of the plants.
  • It is possible to produce huge numbers of the plants which may ...

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