Humans impacts on the environment.

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   Humans have a big impact on the environment. They reduce the amount of land available for other animals and plants by:

  • Building
  • Quarrying
  • Farming;
  • Dumping waste

   Humans also tend to pollute the Earth by polluting the:

  • Water – with sewage, fertilisers, or toxic chemicals
  • Air – with smoke and gases such as sulphur dioxide
  • Land – with toxic chemicals, such as pesticides, which may be washed from the land into the water

   In this report I will be focusing on some of the most important things human impact on which cause harmful effects to the environment which are:

  • Acid Rain
  • Population Growth
  • Deforestation and global warming
  • Water pollution via fertilisers and sewage

Population Growth

   Population Growth is another factor which has a major impact on the environment. When the Earth’s human population was smaller, the effects of human activity were usually small and local but nowadays the human population is rapidly growing. This is due to agricultural development and economic expansion which led to improvements in nutrition, living conditions and medicine. These improvements have reduced the incidence of infectious diseases in the general population, but mainly in children. This accounted for most of the fall in deaths and as a cause of this the death rate has dropped dramatically. Birth rates have also been falling, but not as much and therefore the human population will continue to grow but this means that:

  • The rapid population growth will overstress the Earth’s natural resources. All people want to be fed, clothed, house and have access to clean water however to meet these desires water, land and other natural resources must be exploited to some degree. As the population increases, more resources are needed to meet basic desires e.g. more forest s must be chopped down to provide wood for housing and fuel. All of these raw materials, including non renewable energy resources, are finite and are being rapidly used up, and someday will be none left.
  • At the same time as people consume these resources, they produce waste that is put back into the air, land and water. The greater amount of waste from larger populations puts more stress on ecosystems. Even if markets function with the best equipment and perfect efficiency, it will still take more resources to support a larger population, and as a result the environmental costs will probably be much higher. Also unless waste is properly disposed of more pollution will be caused.
  • Supplies of water irrigation are declining around the world as underground water reserves are being used up faster than nature can fill them.
  • Species are going extinct at a faster rate than ever before, including the time when dinosaurs were dying out, due to their habitat being destroyed and used by humans e.g. wood.
  • Most of the world’s ocean fisheries are already being fished to their maximum capacities or are in decline.
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Acid Rain

   Acid Rain, or acid precipitation, is a result of air pollution. When water vapour from the oceans and the land rises and enters the atmosphere it is neutral i.e. pH 7, and is almost pure. When any type of fuel is burnt, lots of chemicals are produced, which are given off as gases. Power stations, factories and cars all burn fuels and therefore emits polluting gases such as nitrogen oxides and sulphur dioxide. In the atmosphere, the tiny droplets of ...

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