I aim to find out at what strength of salt solution there is not a net change in mass of the plant tissue.

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To find out at what strength of salt solution there is not a net change in mass of the plant tissue

Teyfide Hassan AT1:OSMOSIS 


AIM:I aim to find out at what strength of salt solution there is not a net change in mass of the plant tissue. I will find out the water potential of the plant tissue by using different salt solutions. The water potential will be found when a plant cell is immersed in a solution, which has the same concentration of solute as the cell; there is no net loss or gain of water.


1 Get out all the equipment

2 Using a knife cut six equal mass of plant tissue

3Measure the mass of the tissue – ORIGINAL MASS

4 Measure out 30ml of solutions into labelled petri dishes

5 Place the plant tissue into each dish

6 Leave for at least half an hour

7 With filter paper wipe off any excess water before measuring the mass of each piece of plant tissue

8 Put results into a table


Here is a list of all the equipment I shall be using:



Petri dish

Stop clock

Filter paper

Measuring cylinder

Solutions: distilled water, 0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5 molar


To make this a fair test I will always use 30ml of salt solution. The potato will be cut into equal sizes. I will leave the potato chips in for half an hour and make sure they will come out at the same time. I will repeat the experiment twice to make sure my results are correct as the first time I do the experiment something might go wrong so by doing the results again I can check for anomalous results.


I will use six different concentrations in the first petri dish I will have distilled water in the second petri dish I will have 0.1 molar salt solution, petri dish 3 will contain 0.2 molar, petri dish 4 contains 0.3 molar. In petri dish 5 I will have 0.4 molar, in the last petri dish I will have0.5 molar salt solution. So there is a whole range of different concentrations.


To make my experiment reliable I shall conduct my experiment twice to make sure that my results match up. The results also rely on whether you take out the potato tissue out you might not wipe off all the excess water and for another tissue you did, so I will make sure that all the excess water is wiped off with filter paper. I will also make sure that I keep all six pieces of tissue in for the same amount of time. This experiment is not very reliable as the results all depend on how big the pieces of potato tissues are, as the smaller the pieces the more accurate the results will be.


I predict that the potato tissue in the distilled waters mass will increase because of osmosis. I also predict that the new mass of the potato tissues in the concentrations 0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4 and 0.5molar will lose mass because of osmosis as the water moves from a high water concentration (potato) to an region of low water concentration (solution 0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5molar).

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I made this prediction because I have read from books that osmosis is a special type of diffusion. Osmosis is the movement of water molecules across a partially permeable membrane from a region of high water concentration to a region of low water concentration. This explains why my prediction might be correct. I also know that osmosis can happen in the guard cells. Guard cells draw in water by osmosis, swell and become turgid and the stomatal aperture is wide. When water is scarce, they become flaccid and they change shape which closes the stomatal pores.



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