I aim to find out if the mass of an object affects the speed at which it falls.

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Falling Objects


I aim to find out if the mass of an object affects the speed at which it falls.

I predict that the mass will not alter the speed, as it will reach terminal velocity. I think that all the results will stay roughly the same even though I have changed the mass. When something falls, its potential energy is changed into kinetic energy. Therefore the only thing in this experiment that could alter the speed at which it falls is the air resistance and the height. (These would change the time at which the object is in the air). Theoretically, as I am keeping these the same, the speed should not change.

The scientist Galileo proved this.

This is a quote taken from the Galileo Timeline. ()

"1589-1592 Teaches mathematical subjects at the University of Pisa (salary 160 scudi per year). Some tracts--lecture notes--written during this period have survived. In   Galileo uses the Archimedian approach to motion: the speed of falling bodies is proportional to their density, not their weight as Aristotle had maintained.

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According to  Galileo demonstrated his conclusions by dropping weights from the leaning tower of Pisa."

I will drop the object, which will be a small container, from a height of 30cm. I will measure the speed of the object using a light gate, which will make my results accurate to two decimal places. I will use sand to increase the mass of my object because this will be very accurate and it will not alter the shape of the object.

After my preliminary test I concluded that 30cm would be the best height to drop the container ...

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This is a good report of an investigation 1. The report is well structured, although the plan could be broken up to include additional subheadings. 2. The prediction includes well researched science. 3. The evaluation is the strongest section of the report. 4. The analysis contains good calculations, although this needs to be compared to the results that have been obtained. *** (3 stars)