I am conducting this biology investigation to find out whether the weight of the weight of a potatoes changes whilst put into different strengths solutions of water and salt. The weight of the potato will change due to a process called osmosis.

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Biology Investigation



        I am conducting this biology investigation to find out whether the weight of the weight of a potatoes changes whilst put into different strengths solutions of water and salt. The weight of the potato will change due to a process called osmosis. Osmosis is a special diffusion. Water flows from a weak solution to a strong one.

 It happens when a membrane with tiny holes in it which let water molecules pass through but stop lager molecules, like salt. A membrane like this is called semi permeable in this experiment the semi permeable membrane is the potato. I have already carried out a similar experiment in year 10 this helped me decide how long to leave the potato in the solution and what strength of the solution I should use.

Osmosis Diagram

        Osmosis is the movement of water molecules from a weaker solution to a stronger one, through a semi permeable membrane. In this experiment the little holes in the potatoes will allow water to pass in and out of the water and salt solutions. Using results from a previous experiment I conducted last year I am able to make a fairly accurate prediction. I predict when the water concentrations lower in the tissue the water particles will diffuse into the potato therefore the potato will gain weight. However when there is a higher concentration of water in the potato than the solution the water particles will diffuse out of the tissue and into the salt solution causing the potato to lose weight. If there is there is hardly any difference between the concentrations of water and salt then there should be very little if any change in weight.
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I will cut a potato into five chip-liked slices. I will try and cut them to equal size but that doesn’t really matter because I am measuring the average weight increase or decrease not heather the potato chip expanded or contracted in width or length. I will them peel the skin off potato pieces this is because the skin is not on all the potato chips and the skin may affect osmosis making my results unreliable. I will then measure use the measurement below, using two 5cm3 syringes, one for the distilled water and ...

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