I am going to investigate how the size of a Polar Bear affects its loss of heat.

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Polar Bear Experiment


I am going to investigate how the size of a Polar Bear affects its loss of heat. I will be doing this by using beakers with hot water to represent the Polar Bears.


        There are many factors that determine how quickly or slowly heat is lost. The factors are as follows: amount of water, shape, temperature and surface area to volume ratio, insulation and types of Beaker.

I am going to investigate how variations in surface area: volume ratios in beakers lead to variations in heat loss.

        In order to make a fair test I will need to keep all other variables the same, these variables are amount of water, shape, temperature, insulation and type of beaker. The amount of water will have to be regulated because if I kept the amount of water the same there would not be a variation in mass and so the experiment would not give as clear results so I will be filling the beakers to half their full capacity.


        I predict that in the smallest beaker the heat-loss will be the greatest and in the largest beaker the heat-loss will be the smallest. This is because with the small beaker there are a lot of spaces for the heat to escape from and there is little mass in the middle and so heat is lost quickly. The large beakers have a surface area larger than the small beakers but have a smaller surface area: Mass ratio because they have a very big mass. This means although heat escapes quickly it can not cool the centre of the water as quickly as with the small beaker because it has a larger Surface Area: Mass ratio.


  • Thermometer
  • 5 different sized beakers
  • Boiling water
  • Stop Watch


Take a beaker and measure its length and diameter, to be used to find the mass and surface area later, then fill it with hot water. Put the thermometer in and choose a starting temperature to start the recording on which will be the same for each test. Once it has gone down to the starting temperature start the stop clock. Every minute record the temperature of the water for fifteen minutes. Then do the same for 4 other sizes of beaker.

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During the experiment it is very important to be careful while dealing with hot water and always to keep the hot water away from the body and made sure the beaker being poured in to was stable and would not fall over.

I have decided to use larger thermometers for more accurate readings and have checked each of the beakers to make sure they are the same shape and make. I decided to take 20 readings at one minute intervals so I could get a good idea of the heat loss from the beakers. I also made sure I got ...

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