I have been given several different concentrations of Hydrochloric acid and asked to carry out an experiment to find out what factors affect the rate of an acid rain reaction.

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Coursework Experiment


        I have been given several different concentrations of Hydrochloric acid and asked to carry out an experiment to find out what factors affect the rate of an acid rain reaction.


The information from my notes about what factors effect rates of reaction tells me that if the acid has a high concentration it increases the rate of reaction, if an acid has a high concentration it means there are not as many water molecules as there are acid molecules. Reactions take place when the element or compound you want to react with the acid come into contact with an acid molecule if the is more water particles (low concentration) the particles have less chance of making contact as the water particles obstruct. I predict that the experiment using the 2M HCL acid will have the fastest reaction. The 1.5M HCL acid will have the second fastest reaction and next the 1M acid followed by the 0.5M HCL acid and 0.1M acid.

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I plan to find out which concentration of acid will produce the fastest reaction. I will do this by putting the concentration in order of fastest time first. I will do this by performing the experiment with each different concentration of acid. In one conical flask I will put Marble powder and add the acid then place a bung in the top with a tube coming out of it going into another conical flask containing Lime Water, the Carbon Dioxide released during the reaction will be bubbled through the lime water in a conical flask on top of ...

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