I have chosen to investigate how the amount of force used to propel the margarine tub will affect the speed. I predict that as the force used to

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A Formula 1 Margarine Tub

I think the following factors will affect the speed at which the tub travels:

  • The weight of the tub
  • The amount of force used to propel the margarine tub
  • The friction caused by the surface the tub travels on
  • The surface area of the margarine tub
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I have chosen to investigate how the amount of force used to propel the margarine tub will affect the speed.

I predict that as the force used to draw back the elastic band increases, so will the speed at which the margarine tub travels.  

I believe the speed of the margarine tub will increase as the force does because the amount of energy input has increased therefore the elastic potential energy is increased and when the elastic band is released there is a higher amount of kinetic energy transferred and the tub will go faster. This ...

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This is a good start to a report, although it is very brief. 1. The inclusion of the equations and diagrams is good. 2. The table of results is well presented. 3. The report is lacking a general structure. Use subheadings to make sure that all aspects are covered. 4. The report is missing several aspects including a graph, an analysis and an evaluation. *** (3 stars)