I will be carrying out an experiment where I will be testing how a difference in mass can affect the rate at which a helicopter can fall.

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I will be carrying out an experiment where I will be testing how a difference in mass can affect the rate at which a helicopter can fall. In order to measure the time it takes for the helicopter to fall, I will be using a stopwatch. However, an alternative to using a stopwatch to work out the time would be to use the formula S = UT + 0.5AT2 where S = distance, U = initial velocity and A = regular acceleration, in this case 9.8m/s-2 , but this does not take into consideration the changing mass of the helicopter, and therefore cannot be used.

This will allow me to work out the time that it takes the helicopter to fall.


* Surface area

* Mass

* Air Density

* Aerodynamics

* Initial Velocity

* Height


In this investigation, as the mass of the helicopter is increased, the faster it will fall. This is because with more mass gravity gets stronger and pulls the object down. With less mass it will give the object less pull so it will stay in the air longer.


If I changed the surface area, then when the surface area is increased, the helicopter would come into contact with more air particles that have the potential to slow it down. The greater surface area the helicopter possesses, the stronger the air resistance. Therefore, the smaller the surface area is, the weaker the air resistance. This is because there is less area for the air particles to push against.
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If the mass of an object is changed, then I think that objects with a greater mass will fall down to earth faster and objects with less mass will fall down to earth slower. This is due to the effect of gravity. The greater the mass, the more powerful the pull of gravity.

When the air density is changed, and the particles in the air become denser, more of them will come into contact with the helicopter during its descent. This will slow down the rate of descent. If the air is less dense, fewer particles will ...

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