If There Is a Relationship Between the Number of Carbon Atoms In Several Different Alcohols and the Heat of Combustion of Those Alcohols.

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Planning Experimental Procedures


In this experiment, I plan to discover if there is a relationship between the number of carbon atoms in several different alcohols and the heat of  combustion of those alcohols. I would also like to discover the nature of the relationship(if there is one). For example: if the heat of combustion increases or decreases with the number of carbon atoms and by how much.


Retort stand, boss, clamp, tin can, water, six alcohols (methanol, ethanol, propanol, butanol, pentanol, hexanol.) in burners, Bunsen burner, heatproof mat, thermometer (0 – 100ºc), digital scales.


1. Set up the retort stand as shown above.

2. Record the starting temperature of the water (100ml).

3. Take the first alcohol – in a burner - and weigh it on digital scales. Record the weight.

4. Light the wick on the burner and allow it to burn until the temperature of the water in the can has risen by 20ºc. WEAR GOGGLES AS HEAT IS BEING USED!

5. Re-weigh the burner and record its new weight.

6. Calculate the change in weight since lighting.

7. Repeat steps 2 – 6 twice more.

8. Repeat steps 2 – 7 for each of the other alcohols.

Variables and Constants

My variable will be:- number of carbon atoms present in the alcohol being tested.

My constants will be:-        increase in temperature.

                        volume of water to be heated.

Preliminary Experiment

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        We were shown a preliminary experiment which we then used to develop our own methods. In the preliminary experiment a burner of hexane was weighed then placed under a can containing 100ml of water. The water was heated by 10ºc then the burner was weighed again. This provided the basis for my method.

Prediction and Theory

The alcohols are a series of organic homologous compounds, with the general formula Cn + H(2n+1) + (OH). Alcohols react with oxygen in the air to form water and carbon dioxide. The reaction that is involved in burning alcohols is exothermic so heat is given ...

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