Immune system.

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Essay-immune system


This is an essay on the human immune system. It is divided into four topics: microbes, catching a disease, preventing diseases and vaccinations. It will provide to you lots of information on how we live and how easily diseases can spread, which can lead to severe illnesses. So this will teach you more about how to fight them.


        There are two different types of microbes: bacteria and viruses.

Bacteria are very small living cells (about 1/100th the size of your body cells.) They can reproduce very rapidly inside your body. They can make you feel ill by damaging your cells and producing toxins. These are the bad effects; some bacteria can be useful in some places e.g. digestive system. Bacteria are cells with no nucleus. The DNA is free in the cytoplasm.


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        Viruses are much smaller then cells (about 1/100th the size of a bacterium.) they damage your cells, which makes you feel very ill indeed. They replicate themselves by invading the nucleus of a cell and using DNA that it contains to produce many copies of themselves. After this process, the cell then bursts, releasing all the new viruses. In this way they can reproduce very quickly.

Catching a disease

        Diseases can form when micro-organisms such as certain bacteria and viruses enter the body.

        Three common ways in ...

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