In my experiment I am going to change the strength of the solution to see how this affects the rate of reaction with magnesium.

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Adam Lewis 11Mr

chemistry practical

In my experiment I am going to change the strength of the solution to see how this affects the rate of reaction with magnesium.


The variables that could affect the outcome

Are : -

Measuring of acid, temperature of room, thickness of magnesium, if I stir it, length of magnesium, concentration of acid.

I am going to keep all the variables listed above the same, except for the concentration of the acid, which the magnesium will be put in.
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Previous Knowledge

The rate of reaction is the time it takes for a reaction to work. I already know that concentration, temperature, surface area and a catalyst will affect the rate of reaction.


The more concentrated the acid is the quicker

the experiment will work, as there is more particles for something to react with.


The hotter it is the quicker it will work, this is because the particles will be moving much quicker as they have more energy.

Surface area

The big the ...

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