In this experiment I will be investigating the factors in which affect the resistance of a wire.

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        In this experiment I will be investigating the factors in which affect the resistance of a wire.

The factors that I could change

        The factors that I could change could be: -

        The length of the wire as this determines how far the electrons have to go in order to hit one another.

        The time the circuit is left on for because the wire can get hot and the results could fluctuate.

        Whether or not the wire is coated with plastic or not.

        The amount of voltage which is inputted into the circuit. If this changed each time the results would change as more or less voltage is put in. If you increase the VOLTAGE – then more CURRENT will flow. If you increase the RESISTANCE – then less current will flow.        

The material used may make a difference, as there are different metals (conductors) in which I could use and different Non-metals (Insulators).

I will measure/observe . . .

        Current which are measured in amps. To measure this I will use an ammeter.

        Voltage which is measured in Volts. To measure this I will use a voltmeter.

        Resistance. To find out resistance I will use the simple equation: -


                Resistance = Voltage


I will change . . .

        The independent that I will change is the length of the wire. I have opted for this because it works best with my experiment and apparatus, it is easy to change, and gives the best example of a factor that can be changed to affect the resistance. In order to do this successfully though, I will start 5 centimetres and go up five until I end up with forty centimetres. At the end of this I will have eight different readings in which I can use to answer my question.

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                MY QUESTION IS . . .

Does a long wire have more resistance than a wire that is shorter in length?

In order for it to be a fair I must . . .

        Keep certain things the same throughout the experiment. These are: -

        The voltage. I will use a power pack and set this at 12 Volts.

        The time left on. I will leave it on for 20 seconds and allowing a five-minute cool down time between each length so it is absolutely fair.

        A non-coated NICHROME wire with the same thickness and density.

        I ...

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