In this experiment, mung bean seedlings and Brine shrimp eggs were used to study the effect of temperature on the rate of germination of seedlings and the rate of hatching of eggs.

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Title :

Investigation on the effect of temperature on the development of organisms

Abstract :

The purpose of carrying out this experiment is to investigate the effect of different temperature on the development of organisms.  The effect of increasing temperature on the development of living organisms can be modeled in the laboratory by measuring the germination of plants seedlings and the hatching rate of living organisms.  This experiment is to show the effect of rising temperature on the earth or in other words, global warming on the living organisms.  It is also to show which temperature is the most suitable for living organisms to live in.  Temperature plays an important role on the enzyme activity which in turn affects the whole organism.  In different salinity, living organisms also will have a different rate of development.  In this experiment, mung bean seedlings and Brine shrimp eggs were used to study the effect of temperature on the rate of germination of seedlings and the rate of hatching of eggs.  Three different temperatures that is 20oC, room temperature of 25oC and 30oC were used to investigate the effect of temperature on the development of both mung bean seedlings and Brine shrimp eggs while 1% and 1.5% salt solution were used for the Brine shrimp eggs.  The number of seeds germinated, length of the radicles and the number of leaves were measured to determine the rate of development of mung bean seedlings.  On the other hand, the number of eggs hatched, number of shrimps alive and mobility of shrimps were observed in order to examine the development of organisms.  In conclusion, the optimum temperature for the development of organisms will be the room temperature that is around 25oC and the optimum salinity for the development of Brine shrimp is at 1.5% salt solution.


Problem statement:

Does global warming affect the rate of development of organisms?  What is the effect of increased temperature on the rate of development of organisms?  What is the best salinity of water for the development of living organisms?

Hypothesis :

Global warming does affect the rate of development of organisms.  As the temperature increases, the rate of development of living organism increases until the optimum temperature that is room temperature of 25oC.  Beyond the optimum temperature, the rate of development decreases with further increased in temperature.  The rate of development of organism increases with higher salinity of solution until the optimum salinity of not more than 3%.

Objective :        

  1. To investigate the effect of temperature on the rate of development of living organisms.
  2. To develop certain experimental skills, such as working safely, producing valid results, recording results and drawing valid conclusions from results.
  3. To learn the functions of a compound microscope and use it to examine the development of Brine shrimp eggs.

Introduction :

Global warming is the general increase of temperature in the environment.  It is the increase in mean temperature of the Earth’s near surface air and oceans since the mid-20th century and it is predicted to be increasing continuously.  The earth’s average temperature rose about 0.74 ± 0.18oC during the last century and mostly is due to anthropogenic causes such as burning of fossil fuels and deforestation ().  It is widely believe that global warming is due to increase greenhouse gases, rise in carbon dioxide concentration and it may be cause by other reasons such as solar radiation and the position of the earth in the orbital.  An increase in global temperature will cause the Artic and Antarctic ice to melt into the sea and causes the sea levels to rise.  Temperature has a profound effect on the whole organisms as it will affect the enzyme activity in the organisms and thus, the development of the organisms.  

        Salinity is the saltiness or dissolved salt content of a body of water.  It is a general term which is used to describe the levels of different salts such as sodium chloride, magnesium and calcium sulphates.  It is an important ecological factor which can influence the types of organisms that live in that water of particular salinity.  Organisms that can live in very salty conditions are classified as extremophiles while organisms that can withstand a wide range of salinities are euryhaline ().  In this experiment, the different salinity of water solution is prepared by dissolving different amount of sodium chloride salts in water.            

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Mung beans seedlings are chosen to be used in this experiment to measure the rate of development of plants.  Mung bean is the seed of Vigna radiate which is native to Bangladesh, India and Pakistan.  The beans are small, ovoid in shape and green in colour.  They are green in colour with the husk and yellow when dehusked.  They are literally called green beans in our daily lives.  They are commonly used in Chinese cuisine and generally eaten either whole with or without skins, as bean sprouts or used to make desserts.  They are widely used in cooking because of their ...

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**** A great deal of work has gone into this study. It is a pity that more than one independent variable is involved. More detail is needed in many places, and more complete explanations would allow a better understanding of reasons for decisions made about the experimental method.