In this investigation my objective is to investigate how does the length of piece of wire affect its resistance, I will need to find background information of resistance, and use the theories to carry series of experiments to investigate this.

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Year 11 Physics Coursework: What factors affect the resistance of a material?

In this investigation my objective is to investigate how does the length of piece of wire affect its resistance, I will need to find background information of resistance, and use the theories to carry series of experiments to investigate this.

Background Knowledge

Resistance is the force that opposes the movements of electrons through a circuit caused by the atoms of the materials. The flow of electrons in a circuit moves from the negative of a cell/battery to the positive of the cell/battery, this is discovered after the discovery of the conventional current. (See figure 1).

Resistance is produced in metals from the atoms inside that are arranged in a regular structure called lattice. Electrons inside the metal can move free in the lattice structure in random directions, where positive metal ions arranged in the lattice, where they vibrate on the spot. The free electrons bump into these metal ions and collide onto them since they move in random directions, resulting in lack of smooth flow of electrons inside the lattice structure, thus creating resistance. (See figure 2). This also happens in a circuit though the electrons’ prevailing direction is determined by the power/ battery provided, moving from negative to positive as mentioned earlier. The resistance in circuit can be determined by the potential difference (voltage) and current of the circuit, their relationship is at follow:

Resistance (ohms/ Ω) = Potential Difference (V)/ Current (amps/ A)

There are few factors that affects the resistance, these are:

Material of wire

The lattice structure is different in each material (i.e. nichrome and copper), thus affecting the number of positive metal ions and affect the rate of collisions between free electrons and metal ions, which affects the resistance.

Length of Wire

The longer the wire is, the larger lattice structure meaning more positive metal ions, thus creating more collisions between positive metal ions and free vibrating electrons and creating more resistance.

Thickness of Wire

The thicker the wire is, the free electrons in the current can spread out moving over a larger are, therefore less chance of colliding with the positive metal ions from the lattice structure, thus decreasing the resistance.

Voltage (potential difference) and current in a circuit

Resistance is affected by the potential difference and current in a circuit, as they are used to calculate resistance in a circuit. The higher the potential difference and the lower the current means higher resistance.

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Resistance (ohms/ Ω) = Potential Difference (V)/ Current (amps/ A)


The temperature of the wire can affect the resistance, as the temperature is higher, the metal ions of the wire vibrates more in a fixed centre, giving a higher chance for electrons to collide with the vibrating metal ions, so more resistance is created. On the other hand, if you decrease the wire and cause it to be extremely cold, the opposite effect occurs and the resistance will reduce to almost no resistance, therefore creating superconductivity.


In this investigation I am choosing to ...

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