In today's society, genetically modified food is a widely discussed topic with many controversies and benefits. Genetic modification is used in many different techniques to control a variety of traits of plants

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Kaitlin Reilly

Exam 2

        In today’s society, genetically modified food is a widely discussed topic with many controversies and benefits.  Genetic modification is used in many different techniques to control a variety of traits of plants and the consequences of one manipulation may be completely different from another, based on the traits modified.  Throughout the health realm, many names are derived from genetic modified food such as: “Frankenstein Foods,” “Cure on the Cob?” and “Are there drugs in my cornflakes?”

        In the United States, genetically modified food refers to a combination of plants and animals that produce the recombinant DNA (rDNA), which produces a new DNA molecule by splicing together two or more variations of units of DNA.  The FDA, the USDA, and the Environment Protection Agency (EPA) regulate food in the United States.  The FDA has a better reputation of being trusted by consumers, because most consumers are not educated in the fields of science and technology.  Most Consumers feel inadequate to make important decisions about complex issues that affect the world as a whole.  Although science is the major source of the GM food debate; economic, political, environmental, and socio-cultural issues are also a part of the mix.  Since 1995, food and agricultural issues have been under the preview of the WTO, whose meetings have drawn protests-sometimes over food and agricultural issues.

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        Some benefits of genetically modified food helps crops enhance taste and quality, reduce maturation time and increase nutrients.  GM helps animals increase resistance, productivity, hardiness, and fee efficiency.  It also helps animals better their yields of meat, eggs, and milk and also improves animal health and diagnostic methods.  The environment improves its “friendliness” with bioherbicides and bioinsecticides, the GM helps create conservation of soil, water, and energy and betters the natural waste management.  Society increases food security for growing populations from the combinations of crops, animals and the environment.  

        There are many controversies and GM involving safety, labeling, Society, ...

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