Investigate & comparing the industrial preparation of a pure metal with methods used in the laboratory.

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Investigate & comparing the industrial preparation of a pure metal with methods used in the laboratory


Copper was discovered thousands of years ago in the Middle East and was first used as jewellery. Copper as one of the most important metals belongs to the transition and/or half precious metals. It is a relatively hard, at the same time very tough and flexible metal, which can be formed extraordinarily well into very thin lamellas and fine wires. Pure copper is red and thus beside gold the only coloured metal. With regards to its heat- and electrical conductivity it is situated between silver and gold. Copper can be alloyed very well, whereby it can be hardened considerably. The metal has a good chemical stability. Exposed to air it becomes only slowly covered with greenish patina (a mixture of basic sulphates, carbonates as well as chloride), which protects it against further corrosion. About half of the copper production is used in electro-technology, where it is used as conductor in cables, generators, transformers or engines. About 30% of the production are processed into alloys.

Important ores of copper

Copper pyrite or chalcopyrite (CuFeS2).
Chalocite (Cu2S) or copper glance.
Malachite green [CuCO3.Cu(OH)2].
Azurite blue [2CuCO3.Cu(OH)2].
Bornite (3Cu2S.Fe2S3) or peacock ore.
Melaconite (CuO) etc.

Industrial process of copper production

Metals are found as ores in earth’s crust. Industry uses three main methods to get copper from earths crust:

  • Mining
  • Extraction
  • Purification


The copper ore has to be dug from the ground. The ore contains some copper mineral and lot of waste rock. Most modern copper mining is done in open pits with explosives, giant shovels, and huge trucks to haul the ore to a mill or smelter.


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In most cases, the mined ore must first be carried to a mill. Still in large boulder-sized pieces, it is transported in trucks, in railroad cars or in a pipeline. It is brought to a crusher, where it is crushed into small pieces.

The small pieces are mixed with water until they form a chunky soup called slurry. The slurry is poured into a ball mill. A ball mill is a barrel-shaped container that rotates while holding steel balls that clash together to grind the ore into tiny pieces. These ...

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