Investigate factors that may affect the rate of reaction of sodium thiousulphate when added to hydrochloric acid

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Investigate factors that may affect the rate of reaction of sodium thiousulphate when added to hydrochloric acid


Investigate factors that may affect the rate of reaction of sodium thiousulphate when added to hydrochloric acid. When sodium thiosulphate is added to hydrochloric acid a salt, sodium chloride, water, sulphur dioxide and sulphur are produced. Here is the equation for the reaction

Sodium Thiosulphate + Hydrochloric Acid = Sodium Chloride + Water + Sulphur Dioxide + Sulphur

Na2S2O3 (aq) + 2HCl (aq) = 2NaCl (aq) + H2O (l) + SO2 (g) + S (s)

When these two substances react the solution they form becomes cloudy because a precipitate is formed. I will use this change to investigate the problem as explained later.

Background Knowledge

In a chemical reaction, the starting materials are called the reactants, and the finishing materials are called the products. It takes time for a chemical reaction to take happen. If the reactant takes only a short time to change in to the product, that reaction is a fast reaction. The speed of or rate of that reaction is high. If a reaction takes a long time to change the reactant into the product, it is a slow reaction. The speed or rate of that reaction is low. The rate of a reaction is proportional to 1/the time taken for the change.

The factors which affect the rate of reaction are :-

. Particle size - When a reaction involves a solid reacting with a liquid or a gas, the reaction is faster if the particles of solid are smaller. This is because breaking up the solid increases its surface area so allowing the liquid or gas to have more surface to react.

2. Concentration - When a reaction involves a solution the higher the concentration, the faster the reaction. This is because a higher concentration has more particles in the same volume thus increasing the number of collisions per second leading to an increase in the rate of reaction.

3. Temperature - When the temperature is increased the rate of reaction is increased. This is because at a higher temperature, collisions between reacting molecules are faster, that is, there are more collisions per second.

4. Catalysis - A catalyst is a substance that speeds up a chemical reaction without itself being changed.

5. Pressure has an effect on reactions between gasses. The speed of the reaction increases when the pressure is increased. The reason is that increasing the pressure pushes the gas molecules closer together. The molecules therefore collide more often, and the gases react more rapidly.
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6. Light - Some chemical reactions take place faster when they absorb light.

To investigate this problem i will carry out an experiment looking at the effect of temperature on the above reaction.


Independent - I am going to change the temperature of the sodium thiosulphate solution.

Dependant - The time taken for the solution to go cloudy, when hydrochloric acid is added. This will be measured by timing how long it takes a cross marked on paper underneath the solution to disappear.

Controlled - Concentration of sodium thiosulphate, concentration of ...

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