Investigate how changing the surface area of Calcium carbonate affects the rate of reaction with hydrochloric acid.

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  My aim is to investigate how changing the surface area of Calcium carbonate affects the rate of reaction with hydrochloric acid.


  In my experiment I will need the following equipment:

  • 2 conical flasks.
  • Cotton wool - placed loosely above flask to trap acid spray.
  • 0 - 1000g balance - to weigh and equalize the mass of the marble chips and the powdered marble, to weigh how much mass is lost after reaction.  
  • 20cm3 of hydrochloric acid for each flask.  
  • A stop clock - to time the reaction (5:00 minutes).


  I will wear goggles since acids can damage eyes or the pupil cavity if inadvertently squirted at.

  When using the acid I will handle it cautiously and with responsibility because acids are very dangerous substances and can cause major skin irritation or burns.  Marble chips however small or large can be sometimes inhaled or lodged in bodily organs and orifices like eyes and ears or noses. These dangers should be noted; nevertheless they are unlikely to occur.

Fair testing

  To keep it a fair test, the variables need to be kept the same to prevent getting the incorrect results. The acid needs to be kept at a constant room temperature to avoid the marble chips or powdered marble from reacting at a different rate. The size of the marble chips needs to be kept the same because when I do my 1st attempt the chips need to have equal mass and size compared to the 2nd, therefore this will make the test fair. If the marble has a larger surface area than the previous chips the results would be wrong because it has a larger area to act on. 

  The Hydrochloric acid cannot be used again after the reaction otherwise the acid will be less strong to act on the marble chips.


  I will begin my experiment by firstly adding 20cm3 of hydrochloric acid to flask 1 containing the marble chips. As soon as I do this I will immediately start the timer (stop clock). After 5:00 minutes exactly I will stop the timer and record how much mass was lost in that period of time.          

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  Subsequently, I will repeat the same experiment but with powdered marble in place of marble chips.

  For each experiment I will repeat 2 times because it allows me to calculate an average rate of reaction and I will also measure my results to the nearest gram. This will make sure that there are no anomalous results and it will increase accuracy. I will not repeat my test more than twice as this is the limit our teacher gave us.  


  I predict that the powdered marble will react faster than ...

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