Investigate how different amount of exercise affects the heart rate.

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AIM: To investigate how different amount of exercise affects the heart rate.


From my previous knowledge I know that as soon as we begin to do the exercise, the rate of respiration in our muscles increase and more carbon dioxide is released into the blood. Therefore we start to breathe faster, when the level of carbon dioxide in the blood raises and as we breathe faster, our heart rate will increase automatically. If you do more exercises, more oxygen is needed to pump the blood through our body, so the heart has to pump very rapidly.  And if we do exercises continuously for a long time, our muscles have to work hard with the little amount of oxygen therefore we start to respire anaerobic ally. For example while doing the exercise, under these conditions we cannot breathe faster enough, or pump our blood fast enough, to get sufficient oxygen to our muscles, so muscles respire anaerobic ally and lactic acid is produced.  Unfortunately lactic acid is a mild poison. It causes our muscles to ache and cramp. When we rest, the blood brings oxygen to the muscles, which can then respire aerobically again. This uses up the lactic acid and relieves the pain.

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Glucose + Oxygen ───> Water + Carbon dioxide + energy

C H 0 + 6O ────> 6H O + 6CO

Controlling variables

  • I will measure my heart rate.
  • I will vary the length of time of one exercise.
  • I will measure my resting heart rate as a baseline measurement.


  • Stop watch

Preliminary investigation


Resting rate: 70


I predict that as I increase the timing of doing the exercise, my heart rate would also increase. I know this because I can see this from my scientific theory and from my preliminary results.



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