Investigate how far a margarine tub goes when fired, with a varying amount of weight in the tub.

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Physics Investigation- Firing a Margarine Tub

Aim: I am going to investigate how far a margarine tub goes when fired, with a varying amount of weight in the tub.

Prediction: I predict that if you double the weight in the tub the distance it goes will half. It will do this because the more weight in the tub there is the more friction there will be between the surface and the tub. The more friction there is the less time and distance it takes for the kinetic energy to transfer into heat energy.


  • I will place the elastic band around the stool legs, and mark the place where I want it to be pulled back to. We will pull it back ten cm because I think that this is a good amount so that the elastic band isn’t stretched too much.
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  • I will place the tub in front of the band. At first, it will have no weights inside, the weights will be increased by 100 g each time the tub is fired. We decided on a range of 100g to 900g because I thought that this would be enough to be able to analyse different stages within the test.

  • I will place the ruler alongside the stool and our surface.

  • My partner will sit on the stool, and I will pull back the tub and band to the marked place, and then I will let go.


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