Investigate how hydrochloric acid changes the rate of reaction

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Title: To investigate how hydrochloric acid changes the rate of reaction.


Aim: I will investigate how changing the concentration of hydrochloric acid affects the rate of reaction between hydrochloric acid and magnesium.

Hypothesis: I predict that as the concentration of hydrochloric acid increases the rate of reaction will also increase. Also if I was to double the amount of hydrochloric acid particles, the reaction will be twice as fast.

Background information: The concentration of a solution tells us how many particles (moles) there are in 1dm-3.

The factors that can affect the rates of reaction are:

  • changes in temperature,
  • changing the pressure,
  • changing a surface area of a solid reactant,
  • adding a catalyst,
  • Changing the concentration of a reactant.

The concentration of hydrochloric acid means how many particles of hydrochloric acid are in a given area. This means if you increase the amount of hydrochloric acid there will be twice as much particles in a given area.

If I had only 1mol dm-3 of hydrochloric acid solution, there will only be a small amount of hydrochloric acid particles to react with magnesium particles, and there will be a very small chance of successful collisions.

If I have a 2mol dm-3 of hydrochloric acid solution this means there will be twice as much hydrochloric acid particles to collide with the magnesium particles.

As I increase the concentration of hydrochloric acid, there are more particles and therefore more collisions therefore this increases the rate of the reaction.

When there is less acid there will be less collision for a reaction to take place therefore the reaction will be slower. For particles to collide successfully there has to be a correct amount of activation energy. If they collide more often there is a greater chance of a reaction to take place. When there is more chance of collision, more collision will happen per a second between hydrochloric acid and the magnesium particles so there will be more chance of successful collisions.

This diagram explains if I was to double or increase the number of hydrochloric acid particles there will be double the chance of successful collisions, therefore this will double the rate.

However if I was to put a small number of hydrochloric acid particles in my experiment, there will be a lower rate of successful collisions, and this will decrease the rate of reaction.

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“Have shown below that the rate of reaction is proportional as 1st order.”

Page: 315.

Book: Chemistry in action.

Author: Michael Fremantle.

First order means if I was to half the concentration of hydrochloric acid, there will be half the amount of hydrochloric acid in a set volume. This halves the chance of the hydrochloric acid colliding with the magnesium, therefore this will half the rate of reaction.

Graph showing a proportional rate on the effect of using different concentrations of hydrochloric acid on the rate of reaction with magnesium.


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