Investigate how the height of a ramp effects the speed of a bearing ball that is dropped form the top of the ramp.

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Kanti Tjahjono

Ball Bearing Speed Record


        I am going to investigate how the height of a ramp effects the speed of a bearing ball that is dropped form the top of the ramp.

        I predict that the higher the ramp, the faster the ball will go. I think this is because as the ramp goes higher, the ball will be dropped higher, therefore there will be more gravitation potential energy the ball will have, making the ball goes faster as it will be transferred into kinetic energy toward the end.

        To back this theory, I will calculate the speed of the ball, (speed = distance – time). Also I will calculate the gravitation potential energy, (mass x gravity x height) and also the kinetic energy, (1/2 x mass x speed). I will use the results of the calculation to compare and to see if my prediction is correct.

        I will use the following equipments for my experiment:

  • A ball bearing
  • A ramp
  • A stopwatch (to time)
  • A ruler (to measure the heights of the ramp)
  • A scale (to weigh the ball bearing)
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I will change the height of the ramp every cm. This so I could get a good set of results. I will start from 1 cm and finish at 30cm. I will record the time in seconds so afterward I could calculate the speed, the gravitation potential energy and the kinetic energy.

To make this experiment more accurate, I will do each experiment three times, then I will do the average for the speed. I will need to make sure that I have the same equipments if I would do this experiment on two different days. ...

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