Investigate how the level of concentration affects the rate of reaction.

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In this investigation I am going to investigate how the level concentration affects the rate of reaction.

Concentration – The number of particles in a certain volume.

Reaction – A chemical process, which involves particles with energy colliding to form new substances.

Rate – The speed of the reaction occurring.

There are many factors, which can affect the rate of reaction, the main factors are:

  • pH – The acidity or alkalinity of a substance.
  • Surface area – The total amount of area on the outside of a substance. The more surface area exposed, means that there is a greater surface to collide against.

  • Temperature – The thermal heat that is surrounding the substance, which could affect the reactivity of the substance. The more heat that is being applied then the particles are going to move faster causing more collisions and a faster rate of reaction.

  • Concentration – The amount of particles of a substance in a certain volume. The more amounts of particles of one substance greatly increase the amount of collisions that can be made.

  • Catalyst – If a catalyst were used then it would greatly reduce the activation energy. This is done by the catalyst aiding the particles to react.



I am going to investigate how concentration affects the rate of reaction. I am going to do this by setting up an experiment where the concentration of the solute is changed, but keeping all the other possible variables the same. I am keeping all other variables the same because I am only instigation the affect of concentration, if I did not keep the variables the same then these would affect the accurateness of the results. Each experiment would be repeated 3 times to be more accurate carry out the experiments in a fair manner. The results would then be put onto a table and the results converted into a graph.

The experiment that I am going to use for the investigation is:

Sodium Thiosulphate + Hydrochloric acid          

Na2 S2 O3 + 2HCl         2NaCl + S + SO2 + H2O


To see the affect of concentration I am going to be setting up an experiment where the concentration of the solute is changed, but keeping all the other possible variables the same. I am keeping all other variables the same because I am only instigation the affect of concentration, if I did not keep the variables the same then these would affect the accurateness of the results. The experiment that I am doing is between Sodium Thiosulphate and hydrochloric acid. The sodium Thiosulphate would be in a conical flask and the hydrochloric acid would be added via a test tube. I will know when the experiment is over to stop the stop-clock because the X marked on the paper beneath the conical flask would not be visible. Each experiment would be repeated 3 times to be more accurate carry out the experiments in a fair manner. The results would then be put onto a table and the results converted into a graph.

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Before the experiment I will carry out a preliminary trail to see what volume of each substance, that I would need and what variations of volume to use. So the experiment should not be too time consuming or to be so fast that I have a chance to record the results.

Here is a diagram of what the experiment would look like

For the experiment I will be using 60cm3 total volume in the conical flask before the reaction takes place, this is crucial ...

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