Investigate how the rate of the reaction between Sodium Thiosulphate and Hydrochloric acid can be altered.

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To investigate how the rate of the reaction between Sodium Thiosulphate and Hydrochloric acid can be altered.


Sodium thiosulphate and hydrochloric acid are two clear coloured chemical liquids. When reacted together they produce sodium chloride, water, sulphur and sulphur dioxide.


When they react the solution turns cloudy and that is when the cross disappears and shows a reaction has taken place. The cross disappears as the reactants forms sulphur dioxide, this is what turns the solution cloudy.

I could change many key factors to investigate the rate of reaction between Sodium Thiosulphate and dilute hydrochloric acid. These key factors consist of Temperature, concentration or having a catalyst.

For my experiment the independent variables I have choose to investigate is temperature.

AIM: To investigate if temperature affects the rate of reaction between sodium thiosulphate and dilute hydrochloric acid.

PREDICTION: I predict that the higher you increase the temperature of the sodium thiosulphate the faster the reaction will be. I predict this because of the collision theory. The collision theory is when reacting particles collide with enough energy and force to cause a reaction. The reason I think that this will affect the rate of reaction in my experiment is because as we heat the solution the particles are going to be heated with a lot of energy. So this means there are more successful collisions per second therefore a faster reaction.

With less energy 

EQUPIMENT: To carry out this experiment safely, accurately and getting reliable readings you will need:

Stop clock

100 ml measuring cylinder

10ml measuring cylinder



Bunsen burner


Fireproof mat


Felt tip pen



Safety goggles


Measure out 50ml of sodium thiosulphate into the 100ml- measuring cylinder make sure its accurate use the aid of a dropper, to obtain precise volume.

Measure out 5ml of dilute hydrochloric acid into the 10ml-measuring cylinder; once again make sure its accurate use the aid of the dropper.

Then draw a 10cm by 10cm cross (x) onto a piece of plane white paper. The cross in thickness should be as thick as the nib of the pen.

Place the beaker on to the cross making sure the cross is in the centre of the beaker

Pour the two chemicals into the beaker and using the thermometer check the temperature of them.

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As you pour the chemicals into the beaker start the stopwatch

Look down from a bird’s eye view into the beaker focusing on the cross

When the solution turns cloudy and you can’t see the cross any longer stop the stop clock immediately for accuracy

This time when repeating the experiment heat the sodium thiosulphate starting with 18’c (which was what out room temperature was) after its been poured into the beaker

Once poured into beaker heat for however long until the desired temperature which is 10 above 18 so therefore 28 is reached

When reached and the beaker ...

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