Investigate the chemical properties of alkanols and phenol.

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Carmen Tse 7C 21

Experiment 20             Chemical Properties of Alkanols and Phenol        24-09-2003


To investigate the chemical properties of alkanols and phenol.


Alkanols and phenol are all from hydroxyl compound containing the functional group OH. In this experiment, the chemical properties of hydroxy compounds are studied and compared, the reactions involving cleavage of O-H bond including solubility, pH, reaction with sodium hydroxide, reaction with sodium and reaction with alkanoic acid.

The reactions involving cleavage of C-O bond including the reaction with phosphorus pentachloride (PCl5) and reaction with acidified potassium dichromate.


AI Testing solubility and pH

AII Reaction with NaOH

AIII Reaction with sodium metal

AIV Reaction with Alkanoic acid

BI Reaction with Phosphorus Pentachloride and silver nitrate solution

BII Reaction with Acidified Potassium Dichromate


Phenol is more acidic than ethanol.

Phenol reacts with sodium hydroxide but ethanol does not

Phenol reacts with sodium in a faster rate than ethanol does.

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Ethanol reacts with ethanoic acid but phenol does not.

Ethanol reacts with phosphorus pentachloride but phenol does not.

Ethanol, propan-2-ol and phenol react with potassium dichromate but 2 methylpropan-2-ol does not.


In heating the mixture directly into the Bunsen flame, it should be noted that the mixture should not be boiled because concentrated H2SO4 is inside. Hot and concentrated sulphuric acid can be very dangerous. The mixture is cool down first because ethyl ethanoate is a volatile liquid. It will evaporate and escape easily in high temperature.


Both phenol and ethanol are soluble in water ...

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