Investigate the Effect of Anti-Bacterial Products on the Growth on Skin Bacteria

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Investigate the Effect of Anti-Bacterial Products on the Growth on Skin Bacteria


Microbes are organisms that get inside the human body, which then make you ill.  There are two main types of microbes: bacteria and viruses.  Bacteria are very small living cells; most are less than 1 micron (0.001mm) in length.  They lack the internal call membranes, this means that they have no nucleus.  Bacteria occur almost anywhere: in air, water, soil, and inside other organisms.  They like warmth but some ca survive at the tops of the Alps where it is very cold.  Others live in hot springs at near-boiling temperatures.  Some bacteria are parasites and cause serious diseases.   The microbes that cause disease are called pathogenic.

If they enter the human body they damage cells and produces toxins which make you feel ill.  Microbes can enter the human bodies in 5 different ways, through: the skin and eyes, the digestive system, the respiratory system, reproductive system and vector (mosquitoes, fleas).  

Some bacteria are beneficial for example they are important in decomposition, getting rid of sewage and making butter yoghurt and cheese.  In decomposition all plant matter and dead animals are broken down and decomposed.  As a result of their activities simple substances are released from the dead bodies and plants can use these again.  

Staphylococcus is a group of round parasitic bacteria, which is commonly found in air, water and on the skin.  These bacteria are known to cause pneumonia, boils, kidney and wound infections.  Two common species of Staphylococcus include Staphylococcus aureus, which is commonly responsible for skin infections, and Staphylococcus epidermis, which does not normally cause infection.  However, either of these bacteria can cause serious infections under the right conditions.

In my experiment I am using Staphylococcus epidermis which does not usually cause infection.  It is frequently present on most areas of the skin, in the nostrils, mouth, external ear, and urethra.  Micrococcus luteus is a species of bacteria, which is also found on human skin.

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The human skin is in contact with everything.  The most outer layer called the epidermis is made of dead cells that are full of keratin and are very tough.  They are waterproof and act as a barrier against bacteria and other micro-organisms.  The dermis is the layer beneath the epidermis and is much thicker.  Special blood cells migrate from the blood vessels and destroy invading organisms such as bacteria.  Sebaceous glands produce an oily substance called sebum that coats the hairs and the skin.  Sebum repels water and therefore helps to prevent the skin from drying out.  It is also ...

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