Investigate the effect of changing the concentration of sodium hydroxide (alkali) on the volume of hydrochloric acid needed to neutralize a fixed volume of alkali by measuring the temperature and noting colour changes of the solution mixture.

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College: Brookhouse six form

Student: Miss Vincia Phillip

Teacher: Mrs Zainab

Topic: Titration/ neutralisation reactions


Title: Titration/ Neutralisation

Aim: To investigate the effect of changing the concentration of sodium hydroxide (alkali) on the volume of hydrochloric acid needed to neutralize a fixed volume of alkali by measuring the temperature and noting colour changes of the solution mixture.

Background knowledge: 

Neutralization occurs when an acid is made to react with a base. In this reaction, the chemical opposites cancel each other out. Alkalis contain OHֿ (aq) ions, whereas acids contain Hֿ (aq) ions. In the neutralization reaction the OHֿ and Hֿ ions come together to form water; (H O), which is a neutral substance.

The reaction to be carried out will be between Sodium hydroxide (NaOh) and Hydrochloric acid (HCl).


Sodium hydroxide +hydrochloric acidSodiumchloride+


NaOh (aq) +HCl (aq) →NaCl (aq) +H O (aq)

Equation: Hֿ (aq) + OHֿ (aq) →H O (l) 

In this reaction there are four different ions. These are Na, OHֿ, H and Clֿ. The reactivity series shows elements in order of their reactivity. Reactivity is based on how vigorously elements react with oxygen, air and dilute acid. In displacement reactions, more reactive elements displace others from their compounds and take their place. Spectator ions are ions which are indirectly involved in the reaction. In neutralization reactions the spectator ions are usually the most reactive. The spectator ions in this reaction are Na and Clֿ. Na and Clֿ come together to form NaCl (aq), (sodium chloride). Because sodium is more reactive than hydrogen in this reaction, it displaces hydrogen form hydrochloric acid and takes its place.



       Before Reaction            After Reaction                  


The pH scale is used to measure the acidity or alkalinity of an aqueous solution, across a 14 point scale. Substances with a pH of 1-6 are acidic in nature. Those with a pH of 8-14 are alkaline. PH 7 represents a neutral solution.

        Indicators are dyes which change colour to indicate weather a substance is acidic, alkaline or neutral. Some indicators such as the universal indicator are made of mixtures of dyes. Acidic substances turn the indicator red and those that are alkaline change the indicators colour to blue. Substances that are neutral change the indicator to green. In this experiment the most suitable indicator that should be used would be the universal indicator. This is because at the point of neutralization the indicator will give a specific colour change to show that the mixture has been neutralized.

In order for particles to react together, they must collide. The collision must have enough energy. The rate of the reaction depends on how many successful collisions there are in a given unit of time. If there are lots of successful collisions, this means that a lot of hydrogen is produced. In other words the reaction goes quickly – its rate is high. If there are not many, its rate is low. In successful collisions bonds are broken and new bonds are formed.

Some reactions are fast and some are slow. The rate of reaction is the measure of how fast or slow a reaction is. Rate is the measure of the change that happens in a single unit of time. There are conditions which affect the rate of reaction, such as concentration, pressure, temperature and catalyst. In this experiment the rate of reaction was affected by the concentration of the alkali. This was due to the different concentrations of alkali used to carry out the experiment.

An exothermic reaction is a reaction in which heat is given off. Neutralization reactions are exothermic reaction because they give off heat. Energy comes from the bonds that hold the atoms together in molecules. When atoms join up during a reaction they give out energy. Because there are millions and millions of molecules, the energy the all give out adds up to make the heat given off in this reaction.

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Graph showing exothermic reaction


        Based on my scientific knowledge I can predict that in this experiment, as the NaOH is being added there will be a temperature increase of the reaction mixture. After neutralization has occurred the temperature will decrease. Also there will be slight colour changes as the volume of NaOH in the reaction mixture is increased. At the point of neutralization the colour of the mixture should change completely. Neutralization will occur when there is an even distribution of H and OHֿ ions.

        It is also expected that the volume of acid needed to neutralize the alkali ...

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This is a very good investigation write up, looking at neutralisation and the factors that have an effect on it. There is no graph included within the write up, so I am unable to comment on its accuracy and analysis. 4 Stars