Investigate the effect of changing the concentration on the rate of a reaction.

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Aim: I am going to investigate the effect of changing the concentration on the rate of a reaction.

The reaction I am going to investigate will be:

Mg + 2HCl MgCl + H

To follow the rate of this reaction I will measure the volume of the hydrogen produced every 10 seconds for 2 minutes using a gas syringe.

Safety: I must wear safety goggles at all times in case harmful chemicals get into your eyes. I mustn't wonder or run around in the class. I must handle all equipment with care and Place equipment in the centre of the table so it doesn't fall off and break.

Fair Test: To make this test fair I will change the concentration of the acid. I will keep the same surface area of Magnesium i.e. using a magnesium ribbon. I will also us the same length of magnesium (2cm). Temperatures must be kept the same using a water bath. There must be no catalysts involved with the experiment.

Apparatus: During this experiment I will have to use the following:

Prediction: My prediction for the experiment is that in increasing the concentration of the acid will increase the rate of the reaction.

Scientific Theory:
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In the dilute acid, the rate

of reaction will be low

because of the fewer acid

particles. Thus being fewer

successful collisions.

In the concentrated acid,

the rate of reaction will be

high because of there being

more acid particles.

Thus being more successful


Measurements: I will be measuring the magnesium ribbon. I will measure the volume of the HCL acid. I will also measure the amount of hydrogen produced every 10 seconds using a gas syringe. The ...

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