Investigate the effect of concentration on the rate of reaction between magnesium with hydrochloric acid.

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To investigate the effect of concentration the rate of reaction of magnesium with hydrochloric acid

I am going to perform this experiment in order to discover how the concentration of an acid affects the rate of the reaction.

I am going to perform this test using the following apparatus: A cylinder, Beakers, Stop Clock, Thermometer, goggles, and scissors. I am going to keep all my apparatus at the same room temperature and I am going to do this experiment 3 times in order to maintain a certain level of accuracy.  After doing this experiment 3 times, I will average all of the results.

The acid in which I am going to use in this experiment is 1M in strength. What I will do is I will use 50cm3 of acid for the first lot of magnesium. I will then take away 5cm3 of the acid and replace it with water so it makes a complete beaker full of 5cm3 water and 45cm3 of acid. I will then continue doing this until I have reached 25cm3 of acid and 25cm3 of water. I will be using magnesium ribbon of which is 2cm in length. I will then, as I put the magnesium, start the clock and time how long the magnesium takes to completely ‘disappear’. I will stir the solution once to ensure that the magnesium ribbon is taking to the acid in a correct manner.

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I will ensure that I wear the appropriate eye protection just in case the acid or any other o substance splash. I will wash up any spillages in the correct way as soon as they occur. I am aware that it is important to act quickly as acid is corrosive (meaning that it corrodes most surfaces, including the skin). I will wash my hand after handling acids.

I predict that the magnesium in the higher concentration will ‘disappear’ much quicker than that of the lower concentration due to the simple fact that the higher the concentration the more ...

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