Investigate the effect of the strength of a solution on how much water moves in to or out of a potato chip.

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Investigate the effect of the strength of a solution on how much water moves in to or out of a potato chip.

By Victoria Wright, 11T.

In this investigation, I am going to investigate the effect of different strength solutions on how much water moves in to or out of a potato chip.

The variables involved in this investigation are:

  • Strength of the solution
  • Volume of the solution
  • Mass of potato chip
  • Length and width of potato chip

My input variable in this investigation will be the strength of the solution, in which the potato chips will be placed. By changing this variable, I will see the effect of different strength solutions on how much water goes in to or out of a potato chip, through the process of osmosis. Osmosis is the diffusion of water particles from a region of high water concentration or a dilute solution to a region of low water concentration, a concentrated solution through a selectively permeable membrane. Osmosis occurs because a selectively permeable membrane is a structure perforated with minute pores large enough to allow the passage of small molecules such as water, but to small to allow the passage of larger molecules such as salts and sugars. Therefore, it acts like a molecular sieve. The diagram below shows what happens during osmosis.


   Due to what happens during the process of osmosis I predict that the higher the water concentration, the weaker the solution; therfore, the larger the voloume of water that will  from the beaker into the vacuoles of the chip’s cells. So, consequently the stronger the soloution the larger the volume of water that will move out of the chip’s cells into the beaker.

Osmosis is the movement of water molecules from an area of high water concentration to an area of  low water concentration through a semi permeable membrane,  and osmosis is a vital device in the transport of fluids in living organisms, for example, in the transport of water from the soil to the roots in plants.

   Therefore the scientific reason for my prediction is that, if I was to place a potato chip in the weakest soloution possible, pure distilled water there would there would be a extremely high concentration of water molecules in the beaker. Osmosis is the diffusion of water molecules from an area of high water concentration to an area of low water concentration through semi-permeable membrane. Therefore, as there is a very high concentration of water molecules in a zero molar solution, there will be more water molecules in the beacker to move through the semi-permable membrance (in this case the cell membranes of the cells in the potato chip), resulting in a large volume of water moving into the potao chip. So the chips will swell up causing the mass in,crease and as the water nolecules have moved into the potato chip the volume of solution in the boiling tube will fall.

 Consquently, If I was to place my chips in a very strong one molar solution the mass of the would fall greatly. This would be because the concentration of water molecules in the chip would be far higher that the concentration of water molecules in the solution in the beaker outside the chip. Therefore, as osmosis is the movement of water molecules from an area of high water concentration to an area of low water concentration, the molecules would move from the high concentration of water molecules in the cells of the potato chip to the low concentration of water molecules inside the beaker causing the mass of the chip to decrease greatly. This is because the direction of the movement of the water molecules is always from an area of high water concentration to an area of low water concentration, the net movement of water molecules, this is shown in the diagram on the previous page. In osmosis the water, molecules will continue to diffuse until the area in which the molecules are found reaches a state of at which the concentration of the solution and potato are balanced meaning that the molecules are randomly distributed in both the potato and the solution, with no area having a higher or lower concentration than any other. Due to this, the amount  that the mass of the chip increases or decreases at a certain concentration depends on the concentration of  water molecules inside the cells of the potato, and different potatoes have different concentrations of water molecules in their cells, this is why it will be important for me to use the same type of potato throughout my investigation. If I was to place a chip in a solution and there was no change in the mass of the chip after being in the solution for a couple of hours, this would suggest to me that the concentration of water molecules in the solution are equal to the amount of water molecules in the potato, therefore equal concentration. However, in this situation the process of osmosis is still occuring, but we do not see a change in mass of the potato as the number of water molecules moving into the chip is equal to the number of water molecules moving out of the chip.

There will be a point, when the potato chip is place in a solution of high water concentration, where the chip will show no indication that it is increasing further in size or mass. This is because the potato cells are fully turgid and no more water can enter. Plant cells have two semi-permeable membranes, one usually pressed tightly against the cellulose cell wall and one surrounding the cell vacuole, however they act as one. As plants have a cellulose cell wall, the effect of osmosis on plant cells is different to that in animal cells. When plant cells take up water by osmosis, the cells to swell, but the cellulose cell wall prevents them from bursting unlike animal cells. Plant cells become "turgid" when they are put in dilute solutions. The pressure inside the cell rises and eventually the internal pressure of the cell is so high that no more water can enter the cell, at this point, the cell is fully turgid, and the pressure against the cellulose cell wall is called “turgor pressure”. Turgor pressure is of great importance in maintaining the shape of plant structure, it is responsible for keeping the shape of the leaf. Young seedlings, which have not yet developed much xylem, are kept upright almost entirely on turgor pressure. It gives plants their support.

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