Investigate the factors affecting the activity of the enzyme catalase

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The aim of this experiment was to investigate the factors affecting the activity of the enzyme catalase.  Also, to do the experiment safely and fairly so that the results obtained are reliable enough to support my conclusion.  


There are many factors that will affect the acidity of the enzyme catalase.  Below are the factors and a description of how they will affect the equipment.  


If the temperature increases, the reaction between the enzyme and the substrate will occur quicker.  This is because; as you increase the temperature the particles get more energy so they bump into the other particles breaking down quicker.  This occurs, as there is more contact between the active site and the substrate.  It the temperature becomes to high the enzyme will break down and become denatured.


The graph above shows how the increase in temperature affects the enzyme.  Then when the optimum temperature is reached the enzyme becomes denatured causing the reactions to slow down until it completely stops.  This is shown by the curve on the graph.  


An enzyme is affected by the pH.  Some enzymes work best at neutral others work best in acidic or alkali conditions.  All enzymes have an optimum pH that they work best at.  The optimum pH can be affected by its position in the body.

For Example: -

Mouth enzymes optimum pH is slightly alkali to neutralise the food.  

Stomachs enzymes optimum pH is slightly acidic to break down the food.  

Acidic present means lots of concentration of hydrogen ions H      

Alkali present means lots of concentration of OH   ions.  

Depending on the acid or alkali present can change the shape of an enzyme.  However, this change is not permanent.  For example, if you have an acidic solution it will attract one side and repel the other

So its shape will change.  This change in shape will affect the active site so this could affect the rate of the reaction.  

Below you can see that the different enzymes work best in different pH conditions.  

                                         (Acid    Alkali)


Concentration of substrate-Hydrogen Peroxide

If there is a high concentration of the substrate it would increase the speed of the reaction and then the speed would equal out because all

The active site is being used.  Once all the active sites are being used the reaction will not occur any quicker.  

        Concentration of Substrate

If the concentration of the enzyme is increased the speed will increase.  The higher the concentration, the more active sites present to deal with the substrate so the quicker the reaction will occur.  

                        Concentration of Enzyme


I predict that as the size of potato increases the greater the amounts of products given off at the end of the reaction there will be.  The reaction will get greater as the amount of potato increases.  There for I believe that the amount of oxygen will increase as the size of potato increases in size.  I think this will happen because the potato contains the enzyme, so as the amount of catalase (enzyme) increases the more active sites there will be for the reaction to take place in so the more products will be left at the end.  As the amount of substrate (Hydrogen Peroxide) is not changing I believe the increase of oxygen will look like this on a graph.  

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I also, believe that the amount of oxygen will be directly proportional to the amount of potato.  I believe this as the more potato added, the more active sites added.  This means if you double the size of potato you double the amount of active sites so double the amount of oxygen will be given off at the end.  However, I am aware that in our experiment we are not 100% how many enzymes are in the potato so we have to hope that it is the same.  


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