Investigate the factors affecting the time period of a pendulum

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Pendulum Coursework


To investigate the factors affecting the time period of a pendulum


The time period of a pendulum is the amount of time that a pendulum takes to swing from position A, through positions B and C and back to A again. It is the movement from 1 peak to another, i.e. one oscillation.  I need to examine the factors affecting how long it takes for 1 oscillation to take place, In relation to the energy transfers involved. After I have done this I can decide which factor to use as a variable and which factors that I should keep the same.

Factors affecting the time period of a pendulum

Length of String:

The Length of the string will affect the time period of a pendulum because it will mean that the pendulum travels a greater distance in its oscillation.  The path of the pendulum is like an arc on the bottom of circle, with the piece of string as a radius. Thus, according to the circle theorem: C=2πr, the circumference of the circle will increase, and so will the length of length of the arc. This increases the distance travelled by the pendulum, and therefore the time taken.

Angle from which pendulum is dropped:

This affects the time period in 2 ways: The first is that it increases the length of the arc of the circle that I talked about earlier. The bigger the angle, the bigger the proportion of the circle is taken up by the arc.  Of the 360° of a circle, the amount that the pendulum swings through is equal to twice the angle that it is dropped at, this is because it will swing from the angle to 0° and will carry on going for approximately the same amount as it went through due to its momentum.

The second way that the angle from which the pendulum is dropped will affect the time period of the pendulum is that the pendulum will be dropped from a greater height. This means that it will have more gravitational potential energy to convert into kinetic energy. The formula used to work out gravitational potential energy is.

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Using the angle from which the pendulum is dropped as a variable would affect the height and therefore the gravitational energy as demonstrated above. However, the ideal angle to get the best results is 10°. This is because above this value x (as illustrated by the diagram below, is much greater than value d.  We can’t measure the value of x, but we can easily find out the value of d using trigonometry. Because the actual distance travelled is x not d, d needs to as close to x as possible, therefore the angle has to be around 10°. ...

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