Investigate the rate of the reaction between aqueous sodium thiosulphate and dilute hydrochloric acid.

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My aim in this coursework is to investigate the ratee of the reaction between aqueous sodium thiosulphate and dilute hydrochloric acid.


              The ionic equation for the reaction betweem aqeous sodium thiosulphate and dilute hydrochloric acid is :


2h+ (aq) + S2O3 2-   So 2 (aq) + H20 (l) + S (s)


When a solution of sodium thiosulphate reacts with any acid a precipitate of sulphur forms. The reaction occurs between the hydrogen ions from the acid and the thiosulphate ions in the sodium thiosulphate.


              Backround information


              There are many variables, which affect the rate of the reaction between aqueous sodium thiosulphate and hydrochloric acid. These are ;


              The temperature at which the reaction is taken place at

              A Catalysy

              The concentration of the sodium thiosulpate

              The concentration of the hydrochloric acid


              The collision theory states that the rate of a rection simply depends on how often and how hard the reacting particles collide with each other. The basic idea is that particles have to collide with each other to react, and they have to collide hard enough as well.

              When the temperature is increased the particles all move quicker. If they’re moving quicker, they’re going to have more of a chance of colliding with each other.

              If the solution is made more conentrated it means that there are more particles of reactant knocking about between the water molecules which makes the collisions between the particles more likely.

              If one of the reactants is a solid then breaking it up into smaller pieces will increase its surface area. This means the particles around it in the solution will have more of an area to collide on which will increase the chance of a successful collsion to occur, which will infact increase the rate of the reaction.

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              A catalyst works by giving the reacting particles a surface to stick to where they can bump into each other. This obviousely increases the chance of a collision to occur.


              Preliminary work


              For my preliminary experiment I carried out the experiment I was going to do as my main one, but on a much smaller scale. I decided to carry it out at three different concentrations.

As you can see from my results above the time taken for the cross to disappear increases as the concentration decreaes and the time taken decreased as the ...

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