Investigate the relationship between length of a wire and its consequential resistance.

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To investigate the relationship between length of a wire and its consequential resistance.


In metals, current is the flow of electrons. In each of these molecules, a few of the electrons can move which allows current to pass along it. When we put a battery in a circuit it makes the current flow in one direction round the circuit from - to + (negative to positive). When these electrons reach the positive terminal again, they are given a “boost” and continue around the circuit.

        All metals in the wires, and components, cause resistance, which slows down the speed of the electrons. Resistance is found by doing the Voltage over the Current. This resistance is based on several things. Length, which I will be investigating during this experiment, affects resistance because the longer the wire is, the more electrons there are to slow down the electrons increasing the resistance. This should be directly proportional because twice the length is twice the number of atoms, which means twice the resistance. I will be hoping to prove this in the main experiment.

        Another factor affecting resistance is temperature. When we have a high temperature the particles move around more, which means there are more collisions and consequently more resistance as the electrons get slowed down more.

        Current and Voltage are the two things we need to find out resistance. We measure current with an ammeter. It is written as “a”. Voltage is measured with a Voltmeter and is measured in “Volts”. Current is the movement of electrical charge around the circuit and Voltage is the electrical force driving this movement. Current is also measure IN a circuit and voltage is measured ACROSS a component.


“I think that when we increase the length of a wire, the resistance will increase.”

I believe this because of the theory of resistance. The resistance is based on the number of collisions the electrons have, slowing them down. With an increased length, there are more atoms to collide with and thus the resistance should rise. I can further add to this with the idea of proportionality. The resistance should double when the length double because there are twice the atoms meaning twice the collisions and resistance. Furthermore, it should go from the origin, as when there is no length there cant be any resistance. So my final hypothesis is:

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“As the length increases, the resistance across the wire should increase directly proportionally.”

Prelim Experiment


The aim of this prelim experiment is to find a suitable wire to use for an experiment to determine how resistance is affected on a length of wire.


6 Wires

1 Power Box  

6 Types of metal wire 100cm long (Thin, Medium, Thick Copper and Thin, Medium, Thick Constantine)



2 Crocodile Clips




  • The first thing to do was to set up the experiment as ...

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