Investigating a Factor Affecting Mass deposited at the Cathode during Electrolysis

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Investigating a Factor Affecting Mass deposited at the Cathode during Electrolysis


The aim of this investigation is to find out what effect the independent variable time or current will have on the change in mass on the cathode, and the change in the mass on the anode.


The independent variable I will be investigating will be time, in my experiment I will increase the variable by 5 minutes. I predict that when I increase the amount of time for electrolysis to take place, the mass on the cathode will increase, and the anode will lose mass for every minute electrolysis takes place.

My quantitative prediction is that when I double the time the charge will double. I can prove my theory with my scientific knowledge and the equation Q = I × T. ‘Q’ is the charge which is related to the mass deposited, ‘I is the current and ‘T is the time. So when I keep ‘I’ and double the time it should prove my prediction correct.

Q = I × T

Q = 2 × 5

Q = 10

If I double the time ‘Q’ should double

Q = 2 × 10

Q = 20

Because  ‘Q’ is linked to the change in mass, if it is increased the mass will increase on the cathode. ‘Q’ are the two electrons being added to ‘Cu++ to form copper on the cathode if the charge is increased the mass deposited will increase.

I will use the equation Cu++ + 2e-  Cu if I keep Cu++ constant and increase 2e it will explain my hypothesis.

Cu++ + 2e-  Cu  ,  Cu++ + 4e-  Cu = Cu + 4e-

My explanation for the increase in mass on the cathode is that the anode losses positive electrons because of the negative electrons passing through the circuit.  The electrons then past through the copper sulphate towards the cathode, this causes the cathode to gain mass.

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Before this investigation I had conducted a previous experiment on electrolysis.  The pilot test helped me decide what variable I wanted to investigate and how much the time should be increased for each experiment.  I decided from looking at the results of the pilot test that the time should be increased by five minutes for each experiment.

In pilot test I encountered three problems, when the electrode needed to be taken out some copper fell off.  I decided the solution to this was to put the electrode deeper in the copper sulphate, this would give the copper more ...

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