Investigating Bubble Wrap as an Insulator

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Heat energy transfer is the process by which heat energy is exchanged between bodies or parts of the body at different temperatures. Heat energy is generally transferred by convection, radiation, or conduction.

Conduction is the transferring of heat energy through any kind of material. Some materials are good conductors and some are bad conductors. For example, metals are good conductors. But wood is a bad conductor. This is because wood can absorb which separates the atoms further apart. Bad conductors are called good insulators. People use wooden spoons in cooking, because heat energy cannot travel through the wooden spoon very easily.

Metals are good conductors because the atoms are structured in a way that atoms can vibrate one another easily. Kinetic energy is transferred to cooler parts of the metal by free electrons as they diffuse through the metal, colliding with ions and other electrons. This happens to copper when it is heated at end.

Liquids are not so good conductors as solids because the atoms are constantly moving around so the atoms do not vibrate one another as well. There are also fewer atoms in liquids. For example Mercury.

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Gases are good insulators because there are a few atoms and the atoms are spread over a vast area which makes the process of vibration very difficult.

Convection is the transferring of heat energy in liquids and gas. There are 5 steps to the way in which convection works. They are:-

  1. Firstly, air warms up and becomes less dense.
  2. Then, warm air rises.
  3. Later, the air cools and becomes denser.
  4. After, this denser, cooler air now sinks.
  5. Finally, this cooler air now replaces the air which is rising.

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