Investigating Electrical Resistance in Wire.

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Investigating Electrical Resistance in Wire


The amount of electrical resistance in wire can vary according the several factors or variables. Below is a table illustrating those factors

The variable I will choose to investigate will be the length.

Prediction: - The longer the wire the higher the resistance. I predict this because when the electrical charge is flowing through the wire; the electrons collide with atoms that slow it down. Therefore the longer the wire, the greater the number of atoms which will collide with the electrons, this causes greater resistance. The opposite is the case when the wire is shorter. Fewer atoms to stop the electrons from flowing freely means less resistance. On this basis it should be fair to say that double the length of wire will result in double the resistance, as there is double the number of atoms in the wire resulting in double the amount of collisions.

Ohm’s Law:- If a conductor obeys the ohm’s law, the current is directly proportional to the voltage.

  • If voltage doubles, the current doubles
  • If voltage quadruples, so does the current

Voltage divided by current is the same

Preliminary work: - We conducted preliminary experiments in class in partner groups. One of these experiments involved using a variable resistor while measuring the resistance of a wire. In this experiment we used an ammeter, a variable resistor, a length of wire, a 4-volt power supply and a voltmeter. Using the variable resistor we varied the resistance 10 times and took down the volts and amps each time. We then calculated the resistance for each stage by dividing the voltage by the current and drew a graph from our results. We also conducted this experiment using a bulb instead of the wire and again took readings at each stage and calculated the resulting resistance.

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From the first of the above experiments, we found that the resistance was the same at each measurement stage. Although we noticed that we had different voltage and current readings each time. This would indicate that we do not need to change the voltage for each stage of the experiment, as it does not affect the resistance.  In our main experiment we kept the voltage as a constant, i.e. the same throughout.  When using a bulb instead of a wire, resistance increased as the bulb heated up. When any material begins to heat up, the atoms in that material begin ...

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