Investigating Energy Changes During a Neutralisation Reaction

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Investigating Energy Changes

During a Neutralisation Reaction


Set up the apparatus as above, measure the temperature before any acid is introduced to the sodium hydroxide, of which there will be 30ml. Then, open the burette, and let some acid enter the beaker and the NaOH. When the solution becomes neutral, stop the flow of acid going into the beaker immediately, and measure the temperature. Repeat this 3 times, and take a mean average of the results.


I predict that the higher the concentration, the higher the energy change will be. This is because in a higher concentration, there will be more of an alkali to be neutralised, and more energy will be changed.

Obtaining Results

I will be measuring five different concentrations of Sodium Hydroxide. These will be:

  • 20%
  • 40%
  • 60%
  • 80%
  • 100%

I believe that this is an adequate number of measurements to form a valid conclusion. This is because a wide range of concentrations will be covered in my experiment.

Each measurement will be repeated 3 times, in order to remove any anomalous results, which should be able to see. If I do find any anomalous results, I will remove them, and take an average of the remaining results.

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I believe that with a wide range of measurements and repeating each result 3 times, I will have sufficient evidence to support a valid and reliable conclusion.

I believe that the method I will be using makes good use of the equipment provided. I am using no unnecessary equipment in this investigation, and the apparatus and procedure will be more than adequate to gain accurate results.


These are my results:


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